Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Don't sit on your hands.....act now!!!

That's what I'd like to tell Congress when it comes to a new bill that was introduced August 4th of this year. It's been more than a month and there's been no significant movement on it.


There are millions of long-term unemployed people out there (myself included) that have run completely out of benefits, but still unable to secure employment. Can you imagine how depressing it is to be by from a 22-year old McDonald's manager that they won't hire you because you're too experienced, or they'll say they know you'll leave the minute you find something better? Very! It angers me to no end when I read about some conservative Republican that more unemployment would be like welfare or it would stop the receivers from looking for jobs. That's so untrue!! I, for one, have continued to look for employment. I miss working! I can't stand feeling like I'm not contributing to my family's way of life. Unemployment insurance is NOT welfare.....it's insurance! I've worked since I was 16 years old. I've paid into my state's unemployment fund for more than 30 years and I deserve access to those funds to help take care of my family and other financial obligations while I look for a job. Nobody is "handing" me the money, it's MY money! We've had to trade down from our dream car to a shadow of what it was. We've moved from a huge, modern and gorgeous townhouse to duplex 1/3 the size. We've had to turn to charitable organizations for Christmas for our kids. I'm now on anti-depressant medication because I've been so low that I couldn't get out of bed. When I was receiving unemployment it made things a lot easier, but it was still hard. My unemployment is only half what my salary was. It's been so long since my unemployment ended, getting it back now would almost feel like winning the lottery! 

All I'm hoping for is that Congress doesn't make us, the millions of long-term unemployed, wait like you did last year around this time. It was torture watching and listening to you all argue and speculate and even lie to stall and punish us. Please don't put us through that again. Unemployment compensation is still a necessity for us. It's a desperately needed lifeline. The holiday's are looming again. Remember, we're the ones that put you in the positions you're in now. We still have the power to keep you there. If you truly care about us, Americans, pass S.3706 Americans want to work act now!!