Well its 20 days into the new year. I am so glad 2011 it's said and done. It went down as the most topsy turvy year of my life. My Mother died in April. I was blacksheeped by my family afterward. They even tried to kill me and my husband at the funeral home during the planning meeting. An uncle stabbed my husband while an aunt sliced my arm open. Six of my seven uncles jumped my husband but my baby ain't no punk. Every last one of them knew they'd been in a brawl with my man. They came with canes and left with lumps and limps. Even at the funeral the bastards tried to act like nothing happened. I told them to get the fuck away from us.....right in the church! They locked me out of my mother's house and stole the car she left me. They took everything in the house too. My wedding dress was there and I was saving it for my daughter. Pictures that I'll never get to see again. Toys I can't give to my kids and their kids cause they were stolen from me. I still struggle with all that I went thru last year. I still grieve for my mom. I've only been to her grave once since we buried her. Never ever have I spent a birthday without being with my mom. When my 40th rolled around last year I went to her grave. I spent about an hour looking for her because those assholes never marked her grave! It broke my heart. After all they did to keep me away from what my mother intended her only child to have, they didn't even mark her grave. They'll all burn in hell for what they've done. Now that I think about it, they started paying after they assaulted us. As a matter of fact, that very day the rains and winds came. Memphis got hit with floods and tornados like it hadn't seen in 100 years. Every neighborhood that got hit hard by tornado or flood or both were places that a relative lived. Some places were untouched. Not very many, but I come from a huge family and they are spread out over Memphis. Everywhere they live there was destruction. The rain lasted for days and days. The Mississippi River flooded and they were calling it the 100 year flood. Unbelievable? Look it up. If I didn't live it I wouldn't believe it either. Check my facts. I live about 150 away from Memphis so I watched it all on the news. It hardly rained where I live.
Thanx Mommy.
The rest of 2011 came and went, thank God, and now I wearily tread the days of 2012. I try to stay strong. Some days are harder than others but I manage with my wonderful husband and awesome kids. I know I'm luckier than most and get on my knees and thank my Lord for that.....no doubt. I know he never gives us more than we handle but damn! Sometimes its just too much and we need a little break ya know? The break I'm allowing myself is to just take it one day at a time and I'll be fine. Gotta keep my sanity right? Right?