Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Graduating on Time!

Guest post of the week by Moises Henderson

Who would have thought I would actually graduate on time? If you had known me in high school you would be surprised I even got into a four-year university and here I am on the Dean's list about to graduate with dual degrees. I really buckle down after that first year in college when I was on academic probation, and I'm really proud to say that come the student I've always wanted to be. I got high speed internet service at home to help me keep up with my studies and I've spent a minimum of 10 hours a week in the library outside of classes just making sure I was studying enough. I've never been that great at tests which is why I struggled for so long that now that I actually learned material instead of trying to stumble my way through I'm a much better student than before. Honestly, I just can't wait to get out in the real world and start making a difference with this education I've acquired over the last few years.

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