Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Can't get started!!!!!!!

UGH!! I've got so much to do today but i just can't seem to get started. i have a rough draft of my final paper that's due tomorrow, have i gotten started on that? nope. i have 2 loads of laundry to fold and put away. i have to get some paperwork notarized. and on top of that, i need to wash my hair. UGH! sometimes i feel as if i was born without enough arms and hands to do all i need to. i am so glad that my kids are riding the bus to school this year instead of me playing chauffeur. then after school they go to an after school program for the neighborhood kids where they help them with their homework and give them a snack. after homework time they go outside and play their little hearts out. by the time they get home they're ready for dinner and since they do their homework before they get home, they go right back outside after dinner. all of that affords me valuable time to take care of all the things i do everyday, but there are those times, like today, when i just can't get going. so here it is, a little after noon and i just got on my laptop. at least i have my coffee going and the last load in the dryer. hopefully the shot of caffeine will put me in the right place to get going. hang on a sec, my coffee's ready. be right back............

ahhh, hot, soothing southern butter pecan flavored coffee, my soap is on in the background, and i feel the caffeine coursing through my veins. i'll think i'll be okay now. i think i'll start working on my rough draft now. wish me luck. i'll check back in later!

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