Friday, November 20, 2009

To protect and serve, yeah right

I find that credo laughable now.


I'm sure there are police officers that just that. But more often than not, as of late, all they seem to do is disrespect and intimidate. Just today my 65 year old mother went to Walgreen's. She's disabled so she has a handicapped placard that she uses. She pulled into the parking lot and noticed two sheriff officers on motorcycles near the front. She found a handicapped spot and parked. She also noticed one of the officers noticing her parking there. So she turns her car off and starts gathering her things before she got out of her car. She put her placard up and got out. My mom is very pretty and she drives a distinctive car. She gets noticed almost everywhere she goes. When she got out of her car, one of the officers was right there. She started to walk past him and he says "how come you don't drive with that up?" with a really nasty attitude. She answered "why should I?" and he says before he walks away "make me walk over here for nothing." My mother, being who she is, says "exercise is good for ya" and walked in the store.


I have to give a little history so this makes sense.


Last night I had the worst migraine I'd had in 16 years. It was so bad it made me vomit. My husband was worried and scared and my mom called. He told her what was going on with me and she wanted him to keep her posted. So after I woke up this morning, I decided to call her and let her know I was okay. That's when she told me she was in Walgreen's and what had happened prior to her going inside the store.


So back to the story……


My mom's in the store and she's telling me what happened. I was floored! I got mad and told her she needed to get his name and badge number so she could file a complaint against him. What he did was so wrong! He stalked her the minute she pulled into the lot and as soon as he saw her pull into the handicapped spot, he started walking toward her with the intention of giving her a $300 ticket. He got pissed off when he realized he walked over there for nothing. He didn't need to say that. He could've simply said he was checking to see if she had a placard. Doing his job. Not to complain to her because she wasn't making it easier for him to do his job. So when she got outside, she did just what I suggested and asked for his name and badge number. By this time I put her on speaker so Michael (my hubby) could hear what was going on. We hear my mom ask for his name and badge number, and he starts yelling at her telling her she was harassing him by telling him exercise was good for him. What a little bitch! So my mom commenced to letting him know how rude he was and how he needs an attitude adjustment and to learn how to approach people. He eventually shouted his name (which was Smith, yeah right) and his badge number. Then I heard his partner say "okay you got it now you need to move on". I lost it! I started screaming and telling my mom to take hang up with me and take their pictures. She did and she called me right back. I was still screaming! My hubby kept trying to get me to calm down because I was ready to hop in the car and fly 135 miles to let that punk cop know nobody talks to my mother like that and gets away with it. NOBODY!!!! Well I didn't. My mom talked me down after I stopped screaming. When I get that mad I tear up. Whenever I cry I get a headache. Sucks huh? Well after she got the info on the cop she went home and called the Sheriff's office. They told her that she would have to go downtown to the main police station (201 Poplar, Ugh!) and file it there. She called me after she learned that to tell what she had to do next. She wanted me to get off the phone with her before she changed her mind. She's gone down there to file that complaint.


What's wrong with people!?!?!?!?!


That cop knew he was wrong. He was probably embarrassed for having walked over there thinking he was about to write a ticket. When he saw my mom, he just decided her car was too good for her. We're from California and we live in Tennessee now. My mom has a vanity California plate on the front of her car (which is legal here). That cop saw that and figured my mom wasn't from here. He needs to get reprimanded for his actions and I'll see that he does. You just can't treat people like that! He wasn't protecting and serving. If he was he was serving his ego then he tried to protect it by yelling at my mom. Bullshit! He was disrespectful and he tried to intimidate my mom. Asshole, he'll think twice before he crosses anyone else.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Confessions of a gadget junkie

I never really explained just how much of gadget junkie I am. From the time I was about 6 years old I've always been into technology. At 6 I got my first tape recorder which I promptly took apart just to see how it worked. My mom was pretty pissed until she saw me put it back together. Then she was impressed and only helped to foster my obsession with technology. From then on I had every transistor radio, walk-man radio, boom box you can think of. Even the cool watches I had. Then personal computers hit the scene and it was over from there. It started with a Commodore 64....remember those? I'm dating myself.....I know.....but I make 38 look damn good! I had that for several years until it pooped out. No really, it did. I didn't take that apart. It was a long time before I got another computer, but it didn't stop me from playing every chance I got. I'd go to the apple store to play and I started taking computer science in school. Once I got into college I got another computer. By today's standards, it was just a big typewriter. Dot matrix printer, no internet access (there was no Internet back then), a monochrome monitor and it took 8 discs to load WordPerfect! I used the hell out of that thing too. Eventually as technology grew, my obsession grew. Every cool new gadget I had to have it. If I had to save for a year or wait for a month for it to be available in the US, I'll have it. When palm pilots came out, I had one. When they started coming out in color, I got one of those too. When cell phones started getting more advanced I got into those too. Eventually I have amassed two desktops, a 17" HP, 15.4" compaq, and now my latest acquisition, my Samsung N140 netbook. It is soooo cool and I have a feeling that I'll be using this for quite some time. It's got a huge hard drive (250 gigs), and fast processor (N280), a fat graphics card, 3 USB ports with 2 of them being chargeable even when the computer is off, 10.1 inch screen, draft n wireless, multi-touch touch pad, 6-cell battery, and it only weights 2.8 pounds. It's got a gorgeous deep burgundy lid and an anti-glare screen. I love it and I'm looking forward to the many hours I'll be spending with it.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

it's a little after 930a and i feel like i didn't get any sleep at all. i feel like i'm gonna have such a hard time getting started today. i need coffee, but i'm out of filters and sugar and i don't have any money! bitch! sometimes i just can't make it without my coffee and i'm feeling like today might be one of those days! oh boy, hubby, watch out! i wish i could just lay back down and go back to sleep for about 4 hours and dream about winning the social security case we've been fighting for the last 2 1/2 years. it'll be so nice to be normal again and have a little money in our pockets. just a little. it'll be good to live instead of simply exist. just existing and watching life go by around me is like being a ghost. i can see all this happening around me but i can't touch it or be a part of it. i can only watch. sad huh? if hr3548 passes this week, i just might be able to make my car payment this month. i can't see losing 2 cars in a space of a month. that would absolutely depress me. i'm still getting over my platinum being taken away. this economy is a trip. those republicans that delayed the bill for a month are heartless, greedy bastards that act like they have to pay for the extension out of their own pockets. they have no idea what it's like to have no toilet paper, no soap, no laundry soap, very little food, rent's due, there's no gas in the car and there's no money in sight. they have no idea what it is to have a doctor appointment 2 states away and no gas to get there. they don't know what it feel like to see people coming and they act like they don't see you because they don't want you to ask them for any money. they have no idea what it's like to be told a stupid lie right to your face. that's what they've been doing to us. wondering where the money for an unemployment extension is going to come from yet they'll give billions to banks and shit that ran this country into the ground anyway. greedy bastards. this is not welfare i'm asking for. it's money that i worked and deposited into an insurance account for this purpose. i haven't worked in over 2 years and i've collected unemployment intermittently at best. it's just not right. wall street can simply put their hands out and say "i want" and they get. i do that and it's like "oh wait, we don't have that kind of money!" BULLSHIT!!! i just feel like complaining this morning and this seems like the perfect platform. no one to talk back and throw off my train of thought.
well, i guess i got it all off my chest. i better start getting dressed and getting ready to go to another doctor appointment 40 miles away.


Thursday, October 29, 2009

It's the great pumpkin Charlie Brown!

so i'm still broke as hell and now halloween is upon us. my kids had a halloween family night at their school and i won a dvd player for a door prize, but when i went to get it, some kid claimed the last one! i was pissed! i coulda sold that for some cash! i have 4 dvd players, not including my playstation and computers, so i didn't need another one. oh well. there went that opportunity. the kids were so cute though. cali was a go-go baby and devon was a skull ninja. he's been a ninja of some sort since he could say halloween. cali finally went a different route and wasn't a princess this year. she really wanted to be corinne, the barbie 2 musketeer, but i couldn't find it anywhere. living in this po-dunk town called martin, i'm surprised i found what i found. i did my hair so i wouldn't embarrass my babies at their school. it looks good too according my husband, he says it's beautiful. now if i can only stay outta the rain....
i've been following the unemployment extension bill online for about a month now and it's so depressing! but i can't stop looking at it because it directly effects me and my pockets. god i hope that this goes thru quickly. it's rough trying to survive in this economy with NO income whatsoever. i couldn't tell you how we've done it this long.
this year for halloween we may do something a little different. the university here is having something for the whole town to enjoy and we're thinking about doing that and skipping the trick-or-treating. i think it might be nice and the kids seem to be looking forward to it. it'll be nice the have the 4 of us together at a fun function. there's a pumpkin patch out in medina and we might go and get one to carve. we did that in san diego. we would get 2 big ones and 2 little ones and let the kids draw the face they wanted to carve. then they got to gut them and that's what they liked the most, i'm sure. it was a cute sight. i'll be sure and take pics this year if that's what we do.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

impatience...... not always cool

i'm not sure if it's me or what. is it something i inherited or some personality trait i picked up somewhere. my husband seems to think when he asks me a question that i totally ignore him. he couldn't be more wrong! my husband is the smartest person i know. he's the type of person that always keeps you on your p's and q's. it's not with every question he asks me, but sometimes i pause for a second or 2 to think about my answer. if i don't have an answer for him as soon as he finishes asking the question, he's thinking i'm ignoring him and he starts with the "hello? is anybody there?" shit. normally he's a really nice guy. he's usually a lot of fun and a blast to hang out with. we're best friends. but lately he's been in a lot of pain. i know pain can make you depressed and it has depressed him some. i've been by his side and in his corner 150% so i don't understand the attitude i get from him. it seems like sometimes he uses being in pain as an excuse to be an asshole. i've told him how it makes me feel when he does it and he'll stop for a while, but then it's right back to this. it was such an ordeal trying to get the surgery he needed for his elbow and so far it's been a painful recovery for him. i also believe it's entirely his fault that it's that way.

anyway, i'm getting off topic here. i don't understand why he expects me to have an answer for him the instant he finishes the question. he's always been an impatient person but damn! so i even resorted to saying just whatever comes to mind when he asks me a question just to give myself time to think of a proper answer. while he's pondering whatever i've said i'll come up with the proper answer and say "what i should've said was .... ". once he caught one he asked me why i do that and i told him why. he said "wow. i didn't realize i was that hard one you." i told him it wasn't that he was being hard me, because he wasn't. he was being extremely impatient and that's what i told him. he had stopped doing that for a long time. now it's starting up again and it's pissing me off! now he's laying here sleep. funny how when he's sleep, i let him sleep. whenever i'm sleep or sleepy for that matter, he'll try to keep me awake by asking me stupid shit or having me go to the kitchen a hundred times or asking me to cook something or go somewhere. what the fuck? why can't you let me sleep? i've been sleep deprived for almost 12 years and i can only blame the kids for about 3 of them. the rest is all him! waking me up 50 times a night. i say i want to take a nap for 2 hours, he wakes me up in 90 minutes. it's like he can't stand to see me be still. i could list a couple dozen things that really piss me off, but that's not why i'm writing today. i just wanted to get that spat off my chest. he really pisses me off sometimes but i love him.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Have you ever "dream" shopped?

Dream shopping on the Internet; it's one of my favorite things to do. Recently I found another excuse to indulge in my not so secret hobby and look for watches. I've always had a thing for watches so today I went to
and found a gorgeous watch that I just fell in love with. It has a chrome band, mother of pearl face, and butterfly accents. Here, look for yourself

My husband says I'm wasting my time. Sometimes I like to call it "research" because when we actually do go out shopping, he's totally amazed at how quickly I shop. I'm not like the "typical female shopper". I know what I want, wear I can get it, how much it costs and if it's in stock. The length of time I spend on a shopping trip usually depends on the time I have to spend at the check-out. It's only when we go shopping that he appreciates my "research".

Now Internet shopping, that's a whole different bag. That's where I like to take my time, browse at this and that, and check out prices. The next I feel the need to do some more Internet browsing, shopping, whatever you want to call it, I think I'll check out the electronics at I am such an electronic gadget junkie. I may spend days on the site just browsing! My husband has been hinting around lately that he wants an SLR digital camera and his computer monitor did just poop out on him. I could look around for plenty of bargains and I just might surprise him with some really good deals.

Ha! I just found one That's awesome! Now he's gonna flip if I get it for him!