Friday, December 12, 2008

So I'm back today after being away for so long. What's been going on? Well, a whole heck of a lot. Shortly after I started this blog I fell into a pretty deep well of depression. It seemed that my world was caving in on me. School was becoming overwhelming, my kids are extremely active and popular, medical issues for my husband and now for me. My Superman hurt his shoulder pretty badly and he'll have surgery next week. I fell and hurt my back 20 years ago and on occasion, it will lock up on me. Last year when I had the flu from hell, I coughed a little too hard and that was it. I'm not quite sure what happened but my back hasn't been right since. About a week ago I got out of bed only to grab hold of my dresser to stop from falling on the floor. Pain shot from my back all the way down and my knees buckled. The tears came almost immediately. "I'm only 37. Why am I in this pain?" are the questions going through my mind as I scoot back to the warmth and comfort of my bed. Once I lay down I realize I have an even bigger problem. Not only is my back throbbing, the initial reason I got outta bed still hasn't been address.....I have to pee!!!!! So my husband, hearing my cry and being concerned, helps me to the bathroom. He has to help me sit down and stand up. That's it! That's it! That's the final straw! I'm 37 and my husband had to help me go to the bathroom? No way! I call the doctor and say I'm on my way. I get there and he asks me what my deal is. He's so funny. He checks me over and prescribes me some pretty heavy drugs ;-) and physical therapy. After I get home, I sit and think. About what? What's gotten me so down over the last couple of months that I ignored the things that were important to me, alone. I ignored school, I ignored my house, and ignored the outside world. I hardly even went outside. I was starting to feel like an agoriphobic. I don't want to be like that. So I started thinking of what I used to do when I got down and it came to me; writing! I used to have dozens of spiral notebooks that I would write in for hours and hours. I have carpel tunnel now so I can't write for hours, but I have an ergonomically correct office and I can type for hours, so I got back to my blog. My goal is to keep this up because of the theraputic properties it has for me. Hopefully, I can take people on my journey of self discovery. How cool is that?

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