Thursday, October 29, 2009

It's the great pumpkin Charlie Brown!

so i'm still broke as hell and now halloween is upon us. my kids had a halloween family night at their school and i won a dvd player for a door prize, but when i went to get it, some kid claimed the last one! i was pissed! i coulda sold that for some cash! i have 4 dvd players, not including my playstation and computers, so i didn't need another one. oh well. there went that opportunity. the kids were so cute though. cali was a go-go baby and devon was a skull ninja. he's been a ninja of some sort since he could say halloween. cali finally went a different route and wasn't a princess this year. she really wanted to be corinne, the barbie 2 musketeer, but i couldn't find it anywhere. living in this po-dunk town called martin, i'm surprised i found what i found. i did my hair so i wouldn't embarrass my babies at their school. it looks good too according my husband, he says it's beautiful. now if i can only stay outta the rain....
i've been following the unemployment extension bill online for about a month now and it's so depressing! but i can't stop looking at it because it directly effects me and my pockets. god i hope that this goes thru quickly. it's rough trying to survive in this economy with NO income whatsoever. i couldn't tell you how we've done it this long.
this year for halloween we may do something a little different. the university here is having something for the whole town to enjoy and we're thinking about doing that and skipping the trick-or-treating. i think it might be nice and the kids seem to be looking forward to it. it'll be nice the have the 4 of us together at a fun function. there's a pumpkin patch out in medina and we might go and get one to carve. we did that in san diego. we would get 2 big ones and 2 little ones and let the kids draw the face they wanted to carve. then they got to gut them and that's what they liked the most, i'm sure. it was a cute sight. i'll be sure and take pics this year if that's what we do.

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