Thursday, March 15, 2012

Moving Day

The Author of this post is Freddy Savage

 When my husband told me we were moving to Charlotte, North Carolina, I was excited. We knew that his new position with his company would send us to one of several cities and we visited them all. Both Carolinas are absolutely beautiful states! Charlotte is the largest city and capitol of North Carolina, and has much to offer its residents. Moving from one large city to another is pretty easy because all of our needs – social, educational, spiritual – are more easily met. We are meeting with a realtor there next week and have already selected three or four areas in which we would like to look at homes. Our children are small and very resilient to change. We approach them with the move as an adventure. They have great attitudes about the change. In an effort to help them feel connected with looked at directtv options in the area to be sure they would be able to continue watching their favorite weekly programs. When they saw them listed, all was good with the move and the world!!

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