Tuesday, December 30, 2008

It was a wonderful Christmas after all.

I had a surprising wonderful Christmas. As I'm sure it has been for the majority of the country, it's been an extremely tough year for us. I've been looking for a job for over a year. Since we got here to Martin, actually. We've had to rely on the kindness of our families and even some strangers to get by. I'm thankful everyday that we still have the car we worked so hard to buy and now working harder to keep. I'm thankful that we have a safe and comfortable place to live and that our kids can't tell that mom and dad are struggling like they are. I'm thankful that I have the family that I have. I've seen so much worse and I know I am extremely blessed. Even though I haven't spoken to them in a while, I have the greatest group of friends a girl could ever ask for. And the best part of all, my rock, my very best friend, my husband. Now that's a man I am so blessed to have in my corner. Through all my ups and downs he's right there by my side. He holds my hand when I'm unsure about anything and gives me the support and guidance I need. I don't know where in life I'd be without him. We've been married for a little more than 10 years and they've been some of the wildest, craziest, funnest times of my life. I've said since the night I met him it's been a whirlwind. Sounds like a great segway to my other blog, My Whirlwind Life With Michael.

OK, my honey's home now and I wanna spend some time with him. L8r!

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